Harmful Algal Blooms

Decision Blue empowers water utility staff to monitor harmful algal bloom (HAB) impacts and risks to treatment operations.  The source water HAB risk level is actively monitored, as well as calculating the treatability of microcystin, a common cyanotoxin.  This allows staff to optimize treatment strategies and safeguard water quality for consumers, especially in states with stringent cyanotoxin regulations.

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How does Decision Blue optimize treatment for HABs?

Decision Blue informs staff of elevated HAB risk, as well as estimating the treatability of microcystin based on current chemical dosing and water quality.

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What economic benefits can be expected from using Decision Blue for HABs?

Decision Blue reduces operational costs by optimizing chemical usage during HAB events.

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What are harmful algal blooms (HABs), and why are they a concern for water treatment plants?

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are overgrowths of algae in water that can produce toxins like microcystin, which are harmful to human health. Managing HABs is critical to ensuring safe drinking water and complying with regulatory standards.

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What is microcystin, and why is its treatability important?

Microcystin is a common cyanotoxin produced by certain types of algae during HABs. Its treatability is crucial because it poses a health risk, and many states have stringent regulations on allowable levels in drinking water.

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Can the HAB module assist in meeting state-specific cyanotoxin regulations?

Yes, the HAB module is designed to help water treatment plants comply with stringent state regulations by accurately assessing microcystin levels and optimizing treatment processes to meet or exceed regulatory standards.

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